Version History
Previous releases are available on Github as dll files. There is no support for older releases. If you are looking for
the latest version, go to the Home Page instead.
Version 7.0
- [Fix] Fixed occasional crashing when disabling or enabling modules whilst toolbox is running
- [Fix] Fixed bug mixing up messages if a previous message is received (and blocked) from an ignored player
- [Fix] Fixed issue preventing compass drawing
- [Fix] Fixed issue preventing world map widget from being shown
- [Fix] Fixed crash when trying to use a skill tome with “only show non learned skills” setting checked
- [Fix] Fixes crash when loading settings whilst toolbox is running
- [Fix] Fixed bug preventing salvaging via right click menu from working
- [Fix] Fixed bug preventing identifying via right click menu from working
- [Fix] Fixed skill warmup setting not working
- [Fix] Fixed /cam fog working the wrong way round
- [Fix] Fixed crash when using /reinvite command
- [Fix] Fixed custom markers not showing immediately by default
- [Fix] Fixed disconnect on map load when using an equip item hotkey on map entry
- [Fix] Fixed bug preventing custom map marker from checking current map
- [Fix] Fixed crash when targetted enemy is despawned
- [Fix] Fixed materials window now working as expected
- [Fix] Fixed /age2 on /age and /age on vanquish not working
- [Fix] Fixed bug causing travel to deep/urgoz when using
to visit the nearest outpost
- [Fix] Fixed crash caused by armory module clearing currently held weapon when tb is closed
- [Fix] Fixed some items being incorrectly labelled as tomes when right clicking
- [Minor] Added “That skill is still recharging” message block when invalid target messages are filtered
- [Minor] Removed “Ping Build” hotkey, added
command instead
- [Minor] Removed “Disable loading screen fade animation” - unstable
- [Minor] Challenge mission outposts work with /travel now
- [Minor] Re-enabled cursor fix module
- [Minor] Allowed more fine grained control over text size for skillbar, clock and effect monitor widgets
- [Minor] Added auto resize option for all widgets and windows
- [Minor] Show/Hide position and size settings when lock position/size is checked
- [Minor] Addded campaign name to skill description tooltip
- [New] Added option to disable pcons on mission complete, vanquish complete and dungeon complete
- [New] Added option to assign multiple character names to a single hotkey
- [New] Added custom marker context menu to mission map
- [New] Added option to skip “You have characters from another campaign” prompt when entering a mission
- [New] Added option on chat settings to change colour of highlighted text items e.g. rarity, skill and quest descriptions
- [New] Added an option in game settings to prevent weapon spell skin showing on player weapons
- [New] Added audio settings section to access gw window to change rolloff etc in Audio Settings section
- [New] Added feature to log and block in-game sounds in Audio Settings section
- [New] Added option to block the vanquish complete popup
Version 6.25
- [New] Code overhaul to GWCA and GWToolbox to work with vs2022 compiler update
- [New] Added pathing to mission map
- [New] Added ability to trigger hotkeys on key up instead of key down
- [Fix] Fixed bug causing the “are you sure” dialog for entering a mission to show in error - added an option to disable this feature
- [Fix] Fixed crash when dropping zaishen coins with salvage info module enabled
- [Fix] Fixed occasional crashes when using any widget that is snapped to the party health bars
- [Fix] Fixed a bug causing incoming messages getting mixed up with other messages that have been blocked by toolbox
- [Fix] Fixed text glitches for text sizes > 16
- [Fix] Fixed bugs with quest markers not showing or showing incorrectly
- [Fix] Fixed autologin not working when injecting via gwlauncher
- [Removed] Removed option specifically related to holding a button down to toggle mouse walking - use
/pref disablemousewalking [0|1]
in combination with hotkey key up/down
- [Removed] Removed Pathfinding window from release, not used.
Version 6.24
- [New] Slightly optimised GW’s dat loading ccode
- [New] Added EnemyWindow (party window but for enemies)
- [New] Added party broadcast module to anonymously send outpost party info to
- [New] Added
chat command to share your quest progress
- [New] Quests (markers) now have different colors
- [New] Added option to show the path to the current quest in the 3d world via Toolbox Settings > Quest Module
- [New] Added option to show the path to the current quest in the toolbox minimap via Toolbox Settings > Quest Module
- [New] Added tickbox option on the world map to show toolbox minimap lines
- [New] Added context menu with right clicking anywhere on the world map to place a custom marker when WorldMapWidget is enabled. Custom markers create a quest in the gw quest log called “Map Travel” to allow you to plot a route.
- [New] Added message to nicholas items when he will collect them
- [New] Added hover tooltip for daily quests and completion window to easily check who needs an area or skill
- [New] Added option in item context menu to store all nicholas items if you’re hovering one
- [New] Double clicking on a quest in the GW quest log will now take you to the nearest unlocked outpost to that quest
- [New] When sending a whisper to another player whilst offline, toolbox will let you know in chat and suggest changing your FL status
- [New] Daily quests window now checks your inventory for nick items to show you how many you already have
- [New] Added tooltip to build codes in builds and hero builds windows ot show you the build at a glance without having to view it
- [New] Added “are you sure?” prompt if you try to enter a mission in NM/HM that you’ve already completed fully on that character
- [Minor] /useskill now toggles that skill on/off, you can still only have ONE skill active at a time
- [Minor] added option in HotkeyWindow to change the autoclicker clicker speed
- [Minor] changed /prefs command to allow changing almost all preferences by english setting name
- [Minor] When ctrl-spacing enemy whilst holding an item, the game will call the target instead of “I’m following "
- [Minor] Added
/travel nick
to travel to Nicholas the Traveller’s nearest unlocked outpost
- [Minor] Adjusted the nearest outpost calc to add some special exceptions when the nearest outpost by world coords isn’t the closest by foot
- [Minor] Some toolbox info messages are now “temporary”, meaning they will not stay in the chat log, and will be removed when changing map
- [Minor] Added more Prophecies NPCs to party window module by default
- [Minor] Added notification when an invite via party search window is received
- [Minor] Salvage info now fetches from in-game memory instead of asking GWW; armor items now also show salvage info when hovered
- [Minor] Salvage info now also shows on hover for items listed the “Salvage All” window
- [Minor] Completion window automatically removes deleted characters, and doesn’t show pre searing or pvp chars
- [Fix] Fixed party window related widgets (damage monitor etc) from not moving when the main gw window is moved
- [Fix] Fixed bug causing armory module to display equipped weapons on your character when in an outpost
- [Fix] fixed autoclicker potentially rendering your guild wars unresponsive for a short while after using it
- [Fix] /title applies asuran title in some asura missions now that previously defaulted to your default title
- [Fix] fixed rare crash that could occur when activating pcons during a loading screen
- [Fix] fixed /tp command to correctly teleport to explorable areas that start with “The”
- [Fix] Active quest widget works in non-latin languages now
- [Fix] fixed toolbox minimap being hard to ping
- [Fix] fixed friend list alias in whispers
- [Fix] Fixed bug preventing player from moving the gw compass if toolbox minimap is enabled
- [Fix] Fixed bug preventing friend aliasing from working when receiving or sending whispers
- [Fix] Fixed crash when trying to set ready status outside of an outpost
- [Fix] Fixed party damage widget not recording stats until shown
- [Fix] Fixed bug preventing minimap drawing when spectating someone else outside of your own character’s compass range
- [Fix] Fixed working with gw build 37503
- [Removed] removed chat log module because it led to too many issues
Version 6.22
- [New] Added highlight info and right click menu to daily quests window to make doing dailies easier
- [New] Added option to hide gw compass when toolbox minimap is active
- [Minor] Changed UI layout of travel window
- [Minor] /tp [zm, zv, zb] now does the same as /zm take or /zm travel
- [Fix] Fixed compass being hidden when toolbox starts
- [Fix] Fixed alcohol being spammed too much
- [Fix] Fixed rounding issues for SkillMonitor width causing wrong pixel offsets
- [Fix] Fixed crash when offering an item to trade that is already already offered
Version 6.21
- [Fix] Party widgets do not disappear when party members are out of compass range
- [Fix] Minimap does not disappear when spectating
- [Fix] /deposit works with model ids now
- [Fix] open chest hotkey now works (still, prefer using the setting to automatically open locked chests in GameSettings)
- [Fix] fixes update mode showing as unticked if you selected “never update”
- [Removed] open locked chest hotkeys. Use the “automatically open chests with keys (or lockpicks)” in GameSettings instead.
- [New] Added /wanted take, /zb take, /zm take, /zc take, /zv take to take Zaishen/daily quests and travel to the next quest outpost
- [New] Added salvage info and nicholas info to item
- [New] Added option to hide gw compass flagging controls
- [New] Automatically send a party invite when a party search invite is sent
Version 6.20
- [Minor] Added warning message when rerolling to a character that is currently in a map that toolbox won’t work in e.g. guild hall
- [Minor]
/tb load
now dynamically enables/disables modules when run
- [Minor] Fixed some layout errors when Party damage widget is snapped to the in-game UI.
- [Minor] Fixed some layout errors when Skill monitor widget is snapped to the in-game UI.
- [Minor] Fixed some layout errors when Bond monitor damage is snapped to the in-game UI.
- [Minor] Fixed some layout errors when Effect monitor is snapped to the in-game UI.
- [Minor] Force Party damage/skill/bond/effect monitor snapped to in-game UI.
- [Minor] Added option to turn the whisper redirect feature of the friend list window module off.
- [Minor] Added missing deldrimor paragon armor to armory module
- [Minor] Added option to exclude nicholas items from bulk salvage
- [Minor] Updated
command to allow more options; see chat commands section in help.
- [New] Added nicholas info when hovering an applicable item
- [New] Added option to bypass item quantity selection when dropping/moving/trading items (hold shift to prompt when enabled)
- [New] Added ability to create a Hero build template from current setup via the Hero build window
- [New] Added
command to ping current target
- [Fix] Fixed toolbox not loading up on first run due to missing fonts
- [Fix] Fixed hotkeys being triggered by typing keys before map change
- [Fix] Fixed crash caused by triggering hotkeys just before map change
- [Fix] Fixed bugs related to the whisper redirect feature of the friend list window module.
- [Fix] Fixed bug causing layout errors for snapped UI widgets when screen is small.
- [Fix] Fixed spammy errors caused by issues fetching salvage info for hovered items
- [Fix] Fixed crash caused by spectating heroes when you’re dead
- [Fix] Fixed bug causing items offered in trade to be removed when hovering
- [Fix] Fixed crash when trading with “hide item descriptions” enabled
Version 6.18
- [Removed] Toolbox no longer works in Guild Halls. This is intentional.
- [New] Salvage information module added
- [Minor] TravelWindow: Renamed minimize_on_travel to collapse_on_travel, default false
- [Minor] Toolbox now respects fetch_salvage_info checkbox
- [Minor] Removed outdated move_to_cast help
- [Fix] Show All Areas (world map widget) no longer disables guild/ally chat buttons
- [Fix] replying to Twitch (TwitchModule) correctly sends to twitch chat now
- [Fix] Fixed option to flash gw window when player is pinged
- [Fix] Fixed show notification/flash window on invite not saving
- [Fix] Fixed crash when trying to withdraw to character without unlocked bags
- [Fix] ChatFilter blocking ally drops no longer blocks drop messages for the player
- [Fix] Fixed bug preventing URLs being sent as templates in whispers
- [Fix] Fixed bug causing “I’m following X” messages from ignored players to still be shown
- [Fix] Fixed bug preventing
chat command from working
- [Fix] Fixed bug showing the wrong points for devotion in the completion window
Version 6.17
- [New] Added a release channel option to the toolbox updating functionality
- [New] Draw all quests option (Minimap) now offers to draw non-active quests in a different colour
- [Minor] /target can now target players, previously it required /target player
- [Minor] Minimap targetting is now able to target locked chests again
- [Minor] You can now create multiple chat aliases with the same alias, i.e.
/hi !sayinghello
and /hi /wave
- [Minor] Disable camera smoothing now works while reverse camera is active
- [Minor] /marktarget can now highlight other players
- [Fix] Hide city pcons in explorable areas now saves and loads
- [Fix] Real time timer no longer resets on entering explorables if never reset is ticked
- [Fix] Minimap drawing is fluent again
- [Fix] Travelling to a pvp outpost while mouse hovers over toolbox windows no longer blocks left clicks
- [Fix] Draw all quests no longer switches your active quest around
- [Fix] reroll confirmation now waits for a separate enter press, rather than a forced wait of 500ms
Version 6.16
- [Minor]
/dialog take
can now be used the take bounties
- [Minor] Current character is highlighted in Reroll window now
- [Minor] Added option to colour outgoing whispers blue, instead of always doing so
- [Fix] Fixed dialog hotkeys
- [Fix] Fixed salvaging and storing functionality
- [Fix] Disabled toolbox in PvP explorables as well
- [Fix] Fixed bug preventing minimap flag buttons from working
- [Fix] Capitalised chat aliases work again
- [Fix] Fixed autoclicker not being possible to turn off
- [Fix] Completionwindow EotN is correctly tracked again
- [Fix] Fixed urls not being turned into templates when sending to chat
- [Fix] Fixed tb not being disabled fully in pvp
- [Fix] Fixed crash on world map when toggling “view all areas” in cantha
Version 6.13
- [Update] Compatibility with GW Version 37.363
- [Removed] Toolbox no longer works in PvP. This is intentional.
- [New] Added option to show quest markers for all quests on the minimap
- [New] Added /bonds chat command
- [New] Added XP scrolls to pcon window
- [Minor] Completion window stores mission state
- [Minor] Added texture creation tracking to info window
- [Minor] Added lockpicks to pcons window
- [Minor] Fixed skill monitor cast indication for half-casttime casts
- [Minor] Reordered the armory window pieces to ingame order
- [Fix] Fixed gw crash when using /chat without an argument
- [Fix] Fixed bonds not showing for allies like summoning stones
- [Fix] Fixed minimap not taking inputs when it was snapped to compass, but size and position were unlocked
Version 6.12
- [Fix] You can search in the TravelWindow again
- [Minor] Added Festive Winter Hood to ArmoryWindow
Version 6.11
- [New] Added item upgrade unlocks to completion window
- [New] Added option in FriendlistWindow to replace friends character names in chat with their alias.
- [New] Added chat filter for dropped ashes
- [New] Added option to remove the 1.5 second minimum for a cast bar to show up for your own casts (Gamesettings).
- [New] Added GameWorldRenderer to render lines, circles and polygons on the game terrain. This isn’t fully fleshed out
yet and draws even on parts that are behind walls or agents - might be enhanced in the future.
- [New] Loading and saving multiple configs (/tb load , /tb save ) now saves and loads all
- [New] Rewrite of Armory window to use icons instead of dropdowns, fixed bugs, added costumes and missing head pieces.
- [Minor] Added watchful intervention to bond monitor
- [Minor] Added default values for the Minimap position if you’ve never moved the in-game compass
- [Minor] Toolbox widgets now all remember their lock_move and lock_size settings
- [Minor] Added option to auto use keys on chests (prioritised before lockpicks)
- [Minor] Added option to get notified when resurrected
- [Minor] Adjusted height of damage/bonds monitors against party window to cater for HM/NM buttons in outpost
- [Minor] Minimap markers will now draw in outposts, unless there’s an explorable version with the same ID (e.g. DoA)
- [Minor] Added “toggle” command to /tb which toggles visibility. E.g. /tb pcons toggle
- [Minor] Damage monitor, bonds widget and cast widget now account for the different party member height in outposts
- [Minor] Skill and image icons now load from the GW DAT file instead of downloading from GWW
- [Minor] Dropdown list of missing outposts added to travel window
- [Fix] Fixed option to auto-login when no character name parameter is passed to gw. Requires you to launch with GW
- [Fix] Removed copy hero build button when no builds existed.
- [Fix] Fixed CompletionWindows mission counting
- [Fix] Fixed bug preventing secondary profession switch on tome use.
- [Fix] Fixed rerolling to characters when you had empty char slots
- [Fix] Fixed trade window timestamps
- [Fix] Fixed bug preventing some minimap colours/symbols from being changed until tb restart.
- [Removed] Removed obfuscator for the time being as it was unstable. Might be re-added later.
- [Developers] Plugins have been reworked in order to more closely integrate into Toolbox. You will have to update your
plugins in order for them to load.
Version 6.10
- [New] Added option in party settings to automatically flag pet to attack pinged target
- [Fix] Fixed pet behavior hotkey not working properly
- [Fix] Fixed skillbars not loading that contain skills but not attributes for a secondary profession
- [Fix] Fixed bugs caused by toolbox no longer being able to grab in-game preferences due to change in 37059 gw update
Version 6.9
- [New] Added command pet hotkey
- [Minor] Added logic to swap primary with secondary when trying to load a build through toolbox that belongs to another
primary profession but has no dependency on that profession.
- [Fix] Fixed hero builds not loading via toolbox
- [Fix] Removed SSL certificate verification when fetching third party data e.g. trade chat, wiki resources
- [Fix] Fixed crash when completing the last quest in the quest log
- [Fix] Fixed bug preventing item images from loading when game is not in English
Version 6.8
- [New] Added extended regex options to Chat Filter
- [New] Added option to keep current quest active when accepting a new quest,
- [New] Added shift click to collapse or expand all quest log entries
- [New] Added Guild Wars Settings Module (allowing you to export and import your game settings). Experimental for now.
- [New] Added Chat command aliases (Game Settings)
- [New] Added auto retry function to /travel
- [New] Added feature to exclude character names in Reroll Module
- [New] Added option to filter character list to the current logged in account in Completion window
- [Minor] Fixed “is typing” check to avoid triggering hotkeys when inputting text anywhere in the game
- [Minor] Added agressive refrain to bond monitor
- [Minor] Removed duplicate flash_gw_on_pm settings
- [Minor] Keep last hovered skill id in info window
- [Minor] Added info description to Custor Size under Mouse Settings
- [Minor] Improved chat filter to match accented or special characters
- [Minor] Added feature to re-order Pcons Window
- [Minor]
command shows the direct wiki url via quest id rather than search term
- [Fix] Fixed map travel outpost matching bug
- [Fix] Fixed friend list crash
- [Fix] Fixed minor minimap range render bug
- [Fix] Fixed missing options for Collector’s Edition dance emotes
- [Fix] Fixed bug preventing minimap from showing agents if entering and area without any NPCs
- [Fix] Fixed bug preventing the player from choosing the last option of a dialog when talking to some Nightfall NPCs
- [Fix] Fixed minimap bug related to showing random vertices, usually seen with shadow step skills
- [Fix] Fixed skill monitor history setting not saving
- [Fix] Fixed bug causing skill templates to be continuously loaded in some cases
- [Fix] Fixed crash when assigning equip hotkey to an item with a lot of mods
Version 6.7
- [New] Added
/chat [all|guild|team|trade|alliance|whisper|close]
to toggle chat tabs
- [Fix] Fixed crash on start related to gwarmory
- [Fix] Fixed imgui theme not being loaded on some starts
Version 6.6
- [Minor] Separate modules, widgets and windows in toolbox settings
- [Minor] Rename warrior obsidian armor in armory module
- [Minor] Added some hover descriptions to module tickboxes in toolbox settings
- [Fix] Fixed bug causing duplicate module settings if re-enabled within the same runtime
- [Fix] Hide empty keyboard settings tab in settings window
- [Fix] Fixed occasional repeat update prompt when already on latest version
- [Fix] Fixed crashes caused by dupe window bugs
- [Fix] Fixed crashes caused by adding non-existent characters to friendlist.
- [Fix] Fixed occasional crash when right clicking items or changing character with obfuscator on
Version 6.5
- [New] Enabled plugin system for public use
- [New] Duping Window for solo doa players
- [New] Disables gw automatically adding en-US keyboard layout
- [New] Added TS5 module; use /teamspeak to share current channel info to chat
- [New] Enabled plugin system for public use
- [New] Added marked targets to minimap; use /marktarget to highlight on current target on minimap
- [New] Added GwArmory window
- [Minor] Move To hotkey has an option to go to target or location, and to move a certain distance away from location
- [Minor] Added mission bundles to item filter
- [Minor] Added missing doa tendril
- [Minor] Added honeycomb, pumpkin cookie, gitb and mobstopper to pcons
- [Fix] Fixed honor section of completion window not showing accurate title achievements
- [Fix] Fixed issue causing persistent update notification even if you’re on the latest version
- [Fix] Fixed crash related to chat log
- [Fix] Fixed crash when using party stats window before party is ready
- [Fix] Fixed crash related to skill images failing to render on-screen
- [Fix] Fixed crashes caused by adding non-existent characters to friendlist.
- [Fix] Fixed occasional crash when right clicking items or changing character with obfuscator on
Version 6.4
- [Fix] Fixed crashes caused when saving toolbox settings for the first time
Version 6.3
- [New] Added option to show notification/flash window when whole party is ready
- [Fix] Fixed right click context menu not working if mouse fix it turned off
- [Fix] Fixed crash when trying to load or save theme on toolbox open or close
- [Minor] Added props to minimap in debug
- [QoL] Changed behavior of the close button when in fullscreen borderless to gracefully close GW
Version 6.2
- [New] Added
/withdraw <quantity> <model_id1> [<model_id2 ...]
chat command
- [New] Added options to hide skill descriptions on hover
- [New] Added /fps command
- [New] Added /pref command
- [New] Added option for hotkeys to trigger when gw gains/loses focus
- [New] Added grouping to hotkeys
- [New] Added option to set in-game cursor size
- [New] Added windows toast notifications for some triggers
- [New] Added warning in chat when you’re last to resign
- [New] Added option to show quest givers on minimap as stars
- [New] Added option to hide or show agents on the gw compass
- [New] Added extra argument to /load command to tell gwtoolbox to load a certain config
- [New] Added notifications for last to tick
- [New] Added options to block map entry message
- [New] Festival hats added to completion window
- [Fix] Restore Windows 7 support
- [Fix] Fixed potential crash when loading custom markers
- [Fix] Fixed crash when item description is blocked when talking to merchant
- [Fix] Fixed skip character name when donating Luxon faction not working
- [Fix] Fixed bug sometimes causing all pcons to be enabled when logging into a character
- [Fix] Fixed hero builds not always loading secondary profession
- [Fix] Fixed bug preventing gw input in a cinematic
- [Fix] Fixed bugs/crashes related to loading the wrong theme
- [Fix] Fixed bugs with party stats window
- [Fix] Fixed bug preventing hotkeys in range of npc from working on map load
- [Minor] Removed dialogs window
- [Minor] Disable ctrl click storage when not in outpost
- [Minor] Added file size check to updater
- [Minor] Obfuscator also hides mercenary hero names
- [Minor] Don’t block quest items or minipets in item filter
- [Minor] Reduced auto clicker interval from 50ms to 7ms
- [Minor] Added extra quest related dialog type when using
/dialog take
- [Minor] GWToolbox modules are toggleable at runtime and don’t require a restart
- [Minor] Bump up MSVC toolkit version to 143
- [QoL] Fixed GW bug preventing reconnect dialog when re-running GW using the -charname parameter ( requires gwtoolbox
to be loaded before login e.g. gwlauncher)
- [QoL] Removed requirement for the -charname parameter to auto login ( requires gwtoolbox to be loaded before login
e.g. gwlauncher)
Version 6.0
- [New] GWToolbox no longer requires installation, you can immediately execute the exe or inject the dll manually
- [New]
/target ally
and /target enemy
- [New] Added option to hide merchant items (selling only) in Inventory Settings module
- [New] Added option to disable item descriptions on hover (hold ALT to reveal them)
- [New] Added option to hide/show ally skills in the Skill Monitor Widget
- [New] Added option to only show effects lasting less than N seconds in Effect Monitor Widget
- [New] Added option to snap minimap to in-game compass position
- [New] Added option to hide e-mail on login screen
- [New] Added custom block rules for the Item Filter
- [New] Added option to hide items from the sell window at merchants
- [New] Hall of Monuments integrated into Completion Window
- [Minor] Obfuscate player name in Hall of Monuments
- [Minor] Obfuscate account name in Hero > Account window
- [Minor] Obfuscate player name in cinematics
- [Minor] Hovered item in Info Window stays available after mouse is moved away from item
- [Minor] Added option to hold shift when toggling pcons to turn pcons off/on by group
- [Minor] Minimap circles are more circle-shaped now
- [Minor] Dialog module Take and Reward combined into one button
- [Minor] Disable ImGui keyboard navigation
- [Minor] Added grog messages to alcohol speech bubble filter list
- [Minor] Can change Minimap modifiers now when both clickthrough options are selected
- [Fix] Fixed bugs with wrong Effect Monitor offset when loading toolbox with minions
- [Fix] Fixed crash dialog sometimes showing when GW is closed whilst toolbox is running
- [Fix] Fixed bugs causing wrong or missing skills to be loaded when trying to load a skill bar with toolbox running
- [Fix] Fixed some non-salvagable items being shown as salvagable when using Salvage All function
- [Fix] Fixed re-invite not working on current player
- [Fix] Fixed rare loading screen freeze
- [Fix] Fixed Skillbar and Minimap potentially being off by 1 pixel when pinned to ingame window
- [Fix] Reapply title defaults to Lightbringer again
- [Fix] Fixed camera sometimes jumping/glitching when looking around with RMB pressed
Version 5.16
- [New] Added option in game settings to suppress overhead info for experience/faction gained
- [Minor]
/dialog take
now also takes quest rewards
- [Fix] Fixed bug preventing access to skill purchases or trader navigation
- [Fix] Fixed bug preventing drawing or pings on the toolbox minimap being sent to the server
- [Fix] Fixed bug causing gwtoolbox to auto update regardless of user preference
- [Fix] Fixed bug stopping shadow walk marker from being shown on minimap
- [Fix] Fixed ownership logic in ItemFilter module
- [Fix] Fixed bug causing rerolling to log out completely rather than to char select screen
Version 5.15
- [New] Item and skills images now load on demand from Guild Wars Wiki instead of being compiled inside toolbox
- [New] Added Preferred Skill Ordes window via settings > builds
- [New] Added option to override default nametag colour for in-game agents via game settings
- [New] Added option to manage summoning stones in the pcons window via pcons settings
- [New] Show prompt to switch secondary profession when trying to use a tome for a different profession
- [New] Option to override default title used when
doesn’t apply to the current map
- [New] Exposed a
function for other third party dll’s to close toolbox
- [New]
chat command
- [New] Enabled/fixed the use of third party dll plugins
- [New] Auto reject invitations and chat messages from ignored players
- [New] Option to only trigger hotkey in range of NPC
- [New] Added SkillMonitor widget to see what allies are casting
- [New] Added ItemFilter module
- [New] Added
chat command, added info to info window
- [Minor] Added dialog hotkey option to auto accept first available quest
- [Minor] Added option to remove imperial guard summons
- [Minor] Added option whether to change back to previous character on a failed reroll
- [Minor] Added option to auto use lockpick
- [Minor] Removed ability to target hidden agents
- [Minor] Removed ability to use dialogs that aren’t given by the server
- [Minor] Preventing
command form opening locked chests from afar
- [Minor] Black borders on agents in minimap
- [Minor] Custom agent circle colors
- [Minor] Map info on discord is always in English
- [Minor] Ensure wiki link searches for English item name when accessing via context menu
- [Minor] Save preference to hide completed areas in the completion window module
- [Minor] GWToolboxpp folder moved to `%USERPROFILE%/Documents/
- [Minor] Various fixes to GWToolbox launcher
- [Minor] Added GW Hotkey commands for hero 9 to 12
- [Minor] Added GW Hotkey commands for per/hero commander
- [Minor] Added more maps for default
- [Minor] Added target title tier info
- [Minor] Option to toggle reverse minimap when reverse camera is pressed
- [Fix] Fixed bug on effect monitor being messed up when moving between 2 spirits of the same type
- [Fix] Fixed chat filter option for “player x is away” from being saved to file
- [Fix] Fixed some objective timer bugs
- [Fix] Fixed Discord blocking main thread then updating server
- [Fix] Removed option to toggle gw hotkeys on map change due to the game not being ready to receive the command
- [Fix] Fixed UI checkboxes for position and size lock on main window
- [Fix] Fixed various crashes/bugs in party statistics window module
- [Fix] Fixed not being able to use mouse where the toolbox minimap is located on screen when in world map view
- [Fix] Fixed discord dll not being unloaded when closing toolbox
…and loads of other stuff I’ve forgotten to write down
Version 5.14
- [New] Added Party Statistics Module
- [New] Added GW Key Hotkeys to be able to bind modifier keys to in-game controls
- [Fix] Fixed bug with some messages in the hints module
- [Fix] Fixed issue preventing toolbox from guessing material storage stack size
- [Fix] Fixed some player names not showing in the reroll window
- [Fix] Vanquish count overlay moved to correct place
- [Fix] UI tweaks to friend list window
- [Minor] More districts recognised when using
command e.g. int1, ae4
- [Minor] Reroll function now kicks all heroes before re-inviting to former party
- [Minor] Added option to limit signets of capture on skills window to 10
Version 5.13
- [Fix] Fixed chat related crash when using obfuscator
- [Fix] Fixed
command not working unless reroll window is visible
- [Minor] Automatically ignore trade requests and party invites from ignored players
Version 5.12
- [Fix] Fixed crash when using
command without any other args
- [Fix] Fixed occasional crash talking to NPCs
- [Fix] Fixed crash when loading chat log without a valid timestamp
- [New] Added
and /rr
- [New] Added Reroll Window module
- [New] Added option to hide unsellable items when talking to a merchant
- [Minor] Chat logs now save on map change
- [Minor] Greyed out mission names for maps that aren’t unlocked yet in completion window
- [Minor] Revisited clickthough settings in minimap widget
- [Minor] Crash dialogs are handled exclusively by gwtoolbox, and contain more debug info
Version 5.11
- [Fix] Fixed crash when completing and objective that hasn’t started in objective timer
- [Fix] Fixed issues connecting to twitch
Version 5.10
- [New] Added option to specify player name for hotkeys
- [New] Hotkeys are now able to be triggered for more than 1 map id
- [New] Hotkeys are now able to be triggered for more than 1 profession
- [Minor] Added list view for completion window
- [Minor] Added option to hide completed missions and vanquishes on completion window
- [Minor] Any Guild Wars crash automatically creates a GWToolbox crash dump with all related info.
- [Minor] Added vc142 to installer msi file
- [Minor] Split extra timer options in Timer widget out for better control
- [Fix] Fixed layout issues with checkboxes on smaller window sizes; most checkboxes are now responsive
- [Fix] Further fixes to objective timer window should address recent issues with instance timer not resetting
properly/invalid times
- [Fix] Fixed occasional crashes related to incoming chat messages
Version 5.9
- [New] Added
chat command
- [Minor] Added bulb icon in settings for hints
- [Minor] Rewrite ctrl+click bahaviour for storing materials
- [Fix] Fixed bug crashing on map change related to chat log
- [Fix] Fixed effect monitor widget drawing in wrong place for players who have their effects in the default position on
- [Fix] Fixed bug causing vanquish icons to not change when selecting character in completion window
- [Fix] Fixed crash when loading gwtoolbox whilst in an outpost and triggering hotkeys on load
- [Fix] Fixed bug preventing friend list messages from displaying in the current map that toolbox is loaded in
- [Fix] Fixed out of memory error after closing toolbox from the char select screen
Version 5.8
- [New] Added option in Party Settings to rename tengu/imperial guard summons to their elise skill
- [New] Completion overhaul; added hero tracking, hard mode toggle, character selector
- [New]
command checks explorable areas if no matching outpost is found, tp’s the player to closest unlocked
- [New] Added Effects Monitor overlay widget
- [New] Added
chat command to send current quest details to team chat
- [New] Added Chat Log module to keep a record of chat history and sent message logs even if logged out
- [New] Added Hints module to start showing useful hints via the GW hints panel
- [Minor] Added healthbar, energybar, experiencebar, compass and chat to
/toggle | /hide | /show
command to easily
show/hide some GW UI bits
- [Fix] Fixed bugs with pcon refilling and warning messages in chat
- [Fix] Minimap agent damaged modifier saves and loads correctly
- [Fix] Fixed some bugs related to item moves with ctrl and shift click
- [Fix] Fixed bug causing “move item to current storage pane” to store materials in material storage first
- [Fix] Fixed bug preventing mouse interaction on char select
- [Fix] Fixed bugs with objective timer showing wrong start time for runs
Version 5.7
- [Fix] Fixed crashing related to stack overflow issues on string decoding
- [Fix] Fixed bug causing wrong outpost teleport when clicking some EotN vanquish icons in completion window
- [Fix] Fixed bug causing crash for players who had a character without any skills (e.g. expired trial account)
- [Fix] Fixed bug causing pcons to refill when disabled
Version 5.6
- [Minor] Hide pointless quest marker for zaishen scout in all outposts
- [Minor] Renamed Missions window to Completion window
- [New] “Enter new stack size” prompt is now shown when ctrl + shift clicking an item in inventory/chest
- [New] Prophecies/Factions dupe skills are checked and swapped in when loading a skillbar
- [New] Kurzick/Luxon skills are checked and swapped in when loading a skillbar based on title progress
- [New] Added PvE skill tracker to Completion window
- [New] Added Elite skill tracker to Completion window
- [New] Added extra context menu option to withdraw or store all of the same item
- [New] Disable hotkeys on pvp characters by default; added a tickbox to re-enable a hotkey when playing a pvp only
- [New] Added
command as a shortcut to /hide
or /show
depending on UI
- [New] Added
/toggle helm, custome, costume_head, cape
- [New] Added
/pcons refill
and /pcons refill <pcon_name>
- [New] Added
/target [name|model_id] [index]
to target nth NPC by name or model_id oin distance order
- [Fix] Fixed ctrl + shift + h and shoft + print scrn not hiding toolbox UI
- [Fix] Fixed crashing on character select, map load, and talking to NPCs for some clients
- [Fix] Fixed bug causing
command to target dead NPCs
- [Fix] Fixed bug when using
to target signposts
Version 5.5
- [Fix] Removed unusable settings for world map widget
- [Fix] Enabled mission window module for release
- [Fix] Fixed jittery movement when camera smoothing is disabled
- [Fix] Fixed bug in toolbox settings related to controls sharing the same ID
Version 5.4
- [Minor] Don’t credit NPC kills in observer module
- [Minor] Added option to show distance widget in percentage and/or absolute value
- [Minor] Added option to show health widget in percentage and/or absolute value
- [Minor] Added extra check for aftercast when using equip item hotkey
- [Minor] Added support for french GWW when accessing wiki links
- [Minor] Added hint to in-game trader window for bulk buy/sell
- [New] Added
/target player [1-12|nearest|name]
- [New] Added
/target priority [1-12]
- [New] Extended
command to allow partial NPC names instead of model id’s e.g. /target merchant
- [New] Added
/target item [model_id|nearest|name]
- [New] Added custom name label color to minimap custom agents
- [New]
command to redirect to /wiki <current map name>
to make it actually useful
- [New]
/wiki quest
command to redirect to /wiki <current quest name>
- [New]
/wiki target
command to redirect to /wiki <current target name>
- [New] Extended equip item hotkey to choose specific items to equip instead of just by slot
- [New] Added “Show All Areas” and “Hard Mode” toggles to world map view
- [New] Added Missions module to track in-game vanquish/mission/dungeon progress
- [New] Added option to focus GW when toolbox is launched
- [New] Added option to copy a teambuild instead of having to recreate it manually
- [New] Dialog hotkey now opens dialog with the target NPC when triggered
- [New] Added option to color friend name tags differently when in an outpost
- [New] Added
/ping [build]
chat command
- [New] Added option to Ctrl + click a party member’s damage in the damage monitor to print to chat
- [Fix] Fixed bug causing minimap to sometimes show dead enemies as still alive
- [Fix] Fixed bug causing item context menu wiki link to include item quantity when opening the website
- [Fix] Fixed some NPC dialogs still mentioning the player name when obfuscator is on
Version 5.3
- [Fix] Fixed some map load crashes when using obfuscator
- [Fix] Fixed blank pcon icons caused by d3d errors loading from disk
Version 5.1
Please note that a lot of changes have been made in this version in an effort to hide player names in-game in response
to the recent bans, so there may be bugs with it. Please raise an issue on GitHub or the Toolbox Discord if you find
- [New] Obfuscate setting added to Game Settings to hide player name(s) in-game
- [Minor] Added option to disable Auto-cancel Unyielding Aura in Game Settings
- [Minor] Clicking wiki link in context menu whilst playing in German will load instead
- [Minor] Further improvements to Observer windows
- [Fix] Fixed issues preventing resign log from working properly
- [Fix] Hotfixes for some players on 5.0
Version 4.11
- [New] Observer module (and windows) added for pvp
- [Fix] Fixed bugs after GW update 37121
- [Fix] Fixed crashing issues from 4.10
Version 4.9
- [Minor] Added option to disable right click context menu in outpost/explorable
- [Minor] Added option to disable wiki link on context menu
- [Minor] Tweak info window to show relative speed of an agent
- [Fix] Fixed ctrl+click not storing in current storage pane if set
- [Fix] Fixed foundry room 4 not being triggered in objective timer
- [Fix] Fixed exhaustion room not being triggered in Urgoz’ Warren
- [Fix] Fixed crashes when using /tell, /whisper, /t and /w
- [Fix] Fixed GWToolbox not working after GW update 37112
Version 4.8
- [New] Added “Seek Party” to top of trade window when in Kamadan to avoid having to use party search window to buy/sell
- [New] Right click context menu for materials shows option to store all into chest
- [New] Added context menu option to store all materials, tomes and upgrade mods when right clicking those item types
- [New] Added context menu option to go to Guild Wars Wiki on right click
- [New] Added chat filter for player item pickup and salvage messages
- [New] Automatically cancel UA if already maintained when recasting
- [Minor] Added option to disable item sparkles without texmod
- [Minor] Double clicking an item in chest whilst trading now automatically withdraws it into inventory
- [Minor]
limited to 1 skill instead of being able to chain skills.
- [Minor] Clicking on your status on the friend list widget will change it in-game
- [Fix] Fixed issue preventing some DoA objectives not being flagged as done when a run is completed.
- [Fix] Fixed bugs related to printing timestamps on objective timer window
- [Fix] Fixed occasional rupt/energy waste when using move-to-cast
- [Fix] Fixed bug preventing GWToolbox from closing gracefully when closing GW window
- [Fix] Fixed right click not always working when clicking on an item
- [Fix] Fixed bug that showed the bulk buy option when using materials window whilst ctrl is held
Version 4.7.1
- [New] Double click to send items to trade window when trade is open; works with material storage and chest items
without having to withdraw them
- [New] Added option to move entire stacks to trade window by default
- [New] Ctrl + click working on material storage pane
- [New] Added option to block animations for bottle rockets, party poppers, transmogs, snowmen and sweet points
- [New] Right click context menu for materials shows option to store all into chest
- [Minor] Taking a screenshot in-game will copy to clipboard
- [Minor] Screenshot filename in chat opens the screenshot directory
- [Minor] Hide toolbox on world map
- [Minor] Added setting to set default minimap agent shape
- [Minor] Added Select All” to salvage dialog
- [Minor] Removed URL for daily quests from chat window
- [Minor] Right clicking items also opens context menu
- [Fix] Fixed a bug preventing toolbox from reacting to window focussing mouse click
- [Fix] Fixed bug preventing
/tp kama ae1
from travelling to district 1
- [Fix] Fixed bug causing objectives to start before timer was reset
Version 4.6
- [New] Added
command to load hero teambuild
- [New] Timer improvements and new options.
- [Fix] Fixed a crash bug with the objective timer in Deep
Version 4.5
- [Fix] Fixed a crash issue with withdrawing gold from chest
- [Fix] Fixed some issues with the objective timer
- [Fix] Fixed some issues with
Version 4.4
- [New] Timer and objective timer now tracks real-time since (first) loading screen. Added options to have the old
- [New] Added more detailed timers for DoA in the objective timer.
- [New] Added option to hide player speech bubbles
- [New] Added /reinvite command - use when targetting someone in your party window to reinvite player/hero/henchman
- [New] Added instance type option for hotkeys (explorable/outpost)
- [New] Added option to block messages from chat channels that you have turned off in-game
- [New] QoL fix to allow hero flagging hotkeys even if you have GW compass disabled
- [New] Added option to attach bond monitor to party window to avoid having to move/resize it manually
- [New] Added option to attach damage monitor to party window to avoid having to move/resize it manually
- [New] Added option to attach skillbar widget to skillbar to avoid having to move/resize it manually
- [Minor] Ctrl + click from storage to inventory tops up any existing stack instead of moving entire stack
- [Fix] Fixed bug preventing chat filter form blocking some player title achievement messages
- [Fix] Fixed bug with flagging hotkeys/buttons not working properly after an initial flagging action
Version 4.3
- [New] GWToolbox now saves ImGui window positions into Layouts.ini - if you bork up your window size, just “Load Now”
to fix it
- [New] Target nearest item (default
) will avoid targeting a chest if there are non-green assigned items next to it
- [New] Added more visibiltiy over GW’s “Auto target ID” - minimap highlights friendly NPCs, items and gadgets to show
what pressing space will do
- [Minor] Added
- [Minor] Stopped enhanced move-to-cast from double-calling a target
- [Minor] Lockpicks are now identified as “rare” items for purposes of the chat filters
- [Minor] Removed hint text relating to being able to
/salvage all
, as this no longer works
- [Minor] Added “Load Defaults” for minimap settings that didn’t have any
- [Minor] Reverse camera button also reverses minimap
- [Minor] Fixed an issue stopping toolbox from storing full item stacks with ctrl-click when the stack is split across
more than 1 receiving slot
- [Fix] Fixed twitch emotes causing crash
- [Fix] Fixed hero flagging not always working
- [Fix] Re-enabled tick as toggle
- [Fix] Fixed issues with certain alcohol types not triggering alcohol timer correctly
- [Fix] Fixed issue with friend list widget layout when viewing more than 1 column on-screen
- [Fix] Fixed crash when using enhanced move-to-cast just as an enemy (or ally) becomes untargetable
- [Fix] Fixed bug causing windows to open only partially on-screen for the first time due to recent ImGui update
- [Fix] GWToolbox.exe no longer shows console on-screen when launching
Version 4.2
- [New] Support for multi-column skillbar layouts in the skillbar widget
- [New] Modified launcher to show available GW instances that don’t have a character name but do have an email address (
e.g. login window)
- [Minor] Fixed slow map load times due to new icons
- [Minor] Changed look and feel of nested dropdowns to make them easier to click on
- [Minor] Changed ordering of “enabled features” in settings window
- [Minor] Revisited skillbar widget settings
- [Minor] All color picker swatches now also display transparency alpha channel
- [Minor] Flag All option now available if you’re able to control the heroes/henchmen of a disconnected party member
- [Fix] Fixed not being able to move around when camera is unlocked and camera smoothing is disabled
- [Fix] Fixed bug with effects lasting > 180 seconds now showing duration on effect monitor
- [Fix] Fixed various issues relating to flagging heroes in minimap
- [Fix] Fixed some missing window options for Trade Window
- [Fix] Fixed potential crashes in health widget and travel widget relating to fetching map names
- [Fix] Re-fixed click to move on minimap when autorunning after recent GW update
- [Fix] Fixed issue with alcohol not being popped at the right time
- [Fix] Fixed bug preventing hero flagging when observing another player whilst dead
Version 4.1
- [Fix] Fixed GWToolbox not working for Windows 7/8 users
- [Fix] Fixed wrong character name in window title
- [Fix] Re-fixed click to move on minimap when autorunning after recent GW update
- [Fix] Fixed wrong icon for faction leaderboard in toolbox main window
- [Fix] Fixed “Hello (null)!” message when starting toolbox without being in a map
Version 4.0
- [New] Added option to improve move-to-cast to better avoid getting aggro when auto-moving to cast range for a spell
- [New] Updated icons for all widgets and windows
- [New] Configurable minimap range circle thickness
- [New] Minimap can now be toggled between square and circular (default circular)
- [New] Added skillbar timer widget, shows time until skill is recharged in an overlay, among other things
- [New] Added
/hero <attack|guard|avoid>
- [New] Added hero flagging hotkey - allows hero formations
- [New] Added res aggro and chain aggro ranges to minimap
- [New] Added whisper redirect for all players, not just friends
- [New] Extended
chat command to trigger challenge mission entries, option to cancel during a countdown
- [New] Hero builds not include option to show/hide hero panel, and change behaviour on load
- [New] Added
/tp <window_name> [hide|show|mini|maxi]
- [New] Added option to disable/enable camera smoothing in-game
- [New] Added option to disable/enable minimap smoothing to match compass smoothing
- [New] Added custom polygon option to minimap, with option to color enemies within the polygon differently
- [New] Added
/tb save
and /tb load
- [New] Added Teamspeak module,
to send connected server info to chat
- [Minor] Better crash reporting with issues related to ImGui
- [Minor] Added item model_id to info window
- [Minor] Added tick toggle hotkey
- [Minor] Added background color option to minimap
- [Minor] Re-added configurable modifiers for minimap clicks (e.g. change ctrl + click behaviour)
- [Minor] Prevent weapon set items from being auto salvaged via context menu
- [Minor] Switched project to use CMake for development
- [Minor] Typo fixes
- [Minor] Added Ben Wolfson to special NPC list
- [Minor] Deferred option loading for objective timer and friend list to avoid slow toolbox start time
- [Minor] Disable
in an outpost
- [Minor] Minimap now responds to compass flagging
- [Minor] Added option to consider materials in storage when buying materials for cons via Materials Window
- [Fix] Fixed crash with alcohol widget if no alcohol has ever been used
- [Fix] Fixed bug preventing bond widget showing on screen if effect array is empty
- [Fix] Fixed infinite loop when trying to update toolbox causing crash on closing GW
- [Fix] Fixed a bunch of settings not being loaded/saved correctly
- [Fix] Fixed bug causing minimap to highlight BigCircle agents
- [Fix] Fixed
/tp deep
and /tp urgoz
not working when in an explorable with disconnected players
- [Fix] Fixed issue preventing toolbox from loading if Font.ttf is not found
- [Fix] Fixed a crash caused by damage monitor when target isn’t found in memory
- [Fix] Fixed minimap click-to-move and move hotkeys from working correctly whilst auto running
- [Fix] Fixed Pahnai salad triggering alcohol timer
- [Fix] Fixed discord status updating with wrong character when viewing another party member whilst dead
- [Fix] Fixed issues sending and receiving Twitch messages in chat with
and >
- [Fix] Fixed bond monitor showing bonds on your player that you didn’t cast
- [Fix] Fixed a crash when trying to travel to embark beach without it unlocked via
Version 3.8.1
- [New] Added DoA cave timer to timer widget
- [Minor] Removed salvage/identify chat commands
- [Minor] Hotkeys will now only trigger if GW window is in focus
- [Minor] Some chat commands will now only trigger if GW window is in focus
- [Minor] Hide bonds widget when no relevent skill is equipped
- [Minor] Added Toolbox version information to DLL properties
- [Minor] Modified runtime assertions to crash and create a minidump
- [Fix] Fixed bug causing Toolbox to set window title even if the setting was off
- [Fix] Fixed bug showing resizable option for damage monitor
- [Fix] Fixed bug preventing minimap hero flagging when mouse clickthrough is enabled
- [Fix] Fixed flickering minimap drawings when timeout is reached
- [Fix] Fixed potential crash when viewing advanced item info in InfoWindow
- [Fix] Fixed buffer overflow crash when moving district in Deep/Urgoz
- [Fix] Fixed crash when closing Guild Wars in Windows 8
Version 3.7
- [Fix] Fixed bug preventing materials from being ctrl+clicked to store when storage is > 250
- [Fix] Fixed crashes when using
- [Fix] Fixed crashes when observing PvP matches
- [Fix] Fixed crash when entering Slavers’ Exile dungeon
- [Minor] Added
/tp kc
for Kaineng Center
Version 3.6
- [New] Added dungeons to objective timer
- [New] Added refrains to bond monitor
- [New] Added wiki buttons to items in the salvage window
- [New] Added auto-target highlighting to toolbox minimap when no current target is selected
- [New] Added option to show/hide hero panels when loading hero builds
- [New] Added Signpost and Item targeting to target hotkey
- [New] Added
/target item 123
, /target gadget 123
, /target 123
- [New] Added option to hide build window(s) when entering an explorable area
- [New] Added option to hide settings when entering an explorable area
- [New] Added option to only show 1 teambuild at a time
- [New] Added options to hide dungeon chest popup
- [New] Added option to stop screen shake on environmental effects or skills like Aftershock
- [Minor] Crash dumps now write to /crashes folder
- [Minor] Added scroll icon to Urgoz/Deep in Travel window
- [Minor] Don’t maintain Trade chat connection if trade channel is turned off in-game
- [Minor] Disable native chat timestamps in-game if toolbox timestamps are enabled
- [Fix] Fixed layout bugs with Twitch module
- [Fix] Fixed bug preventing zooming out when in first person view
- [Fix] Crash/disconnect when trying to close GWToolbox when minimap is enabled
- [Fix] Fixed bug when using
to go to the wilds
- [Fix] Fixed builds not loading correctly on heros when loading from Hero Builds window
- [Fix] Fixed
Show past runs
not loading setting from file
- [Fix] Fixed crash when triggering drop/use buff hotkey via UI
- [Fix] Fixed crash when triggering open xunlai chest hotkey via UI
- [Fix] Ensure Toolbox window is visible on first run
- [Fix] Fixed quantity calculation bug when buying Res scrolls via Materials window
- [Fix] Fixed zero health bug on some mobs caused by a bug in Party Window module
- [Fix] Fixed bug preventing “show close button” settings from being available for tb windows
- [Fix] Ignore perfect salvage kits when using the salvage feature
Version 3.4.2
- [Fix] Reverted custom markers appearing in outposts. Fault Misty.
Version 3.4
- [New] Changed all color inputs to use a slightly different control; now able to click on the color swatch to choose
instead of inputting RGBA manually
- [New] Added available dialog IDs to dialog section of info window when talking to an NPC
- [New] Added color thresholds to health widget and distance widget
- [New] Modified/tidied up “Settings” window to make stuff easier to find, see following changes:
- [Minor] Merged “Chat Filter” section into “Chat Settings” section
- [Minor] Merged “Inventory Management” section into “Inventory Settings” section
- [Minor] Merged “Toolbox” section into “Toolbox Settings” section
- [Minor] Merged “Party Window” section into “Party Settings” section
- [Minor] Moved party related function from “Game Settings” into “Party Settings”
- [Minor] Copied lunar and alcohol related settings from “Pcons” into “Game Settings”
- [Minor] Moved chat related options from “Game Settings” into “Chat Settings”
- [Minor] Merged “Discord” and “Twitch” sections into “Third Party Integration” section
- [Minor] Alphabetised all window and widget sections inside “Settings” window
- [Minor] Alphabetised all module checkboxes inside “Toolbox Settings” section, set into columns to better use space
- [Minor] Moved inventory related options from “Game Settings” into “Inventory Settings”
- [Minor] Added chat filter checkbox for “Not enough energy/adrenaline” messages
- [Fix] Fixed bug preventing “show enable” pcons button to load setting from file
- [Fix] Fixed bug preventing custom minimap markers in outposts
- [Fix] Fixed potential crash when cancelling salvage process
- [Fix] Fixed trophies not appearing as salvage options
- [Fix] Fixed bug preventing hero builds being sent to chat in explorable areas
- [Fix] Fixed a bug causing alcohol to be spammed when the alcohol widget is disabled in toolbox
Version 3.2
- [New] Added DirectX distributable check inside GWToolbox at runtime; will now display a message with a link to the
DirectX download page instead of just not launching at all.
- [New] Added option to hide bond monitor in outpost (default showing)
- [New] Added option to save objective timer runs to disk (default save)
- [New] Added option to hide date/time of objective timer runs (default hidden)
- [New] Added option to hide runs from previous days (default hidden)
- [Minor] Don’t maintain Trade Chat websocket connection when the window is collapsed
- [Minor] Objective timer runs now save to
to avoid cluttering the main folder
- [Minor] Added option to only use superior salvage kits when using
- [Minor] Added on-hover item descriptions to “Salvage all?” dialog
- [Minor] Removed extra new line when
error message is displayed in chat
- [Minor] Fixed a display bug in minimap aor effect colors showing as RGBA instead of ARGB
- [Minor] Don’t print target hotkey to emote chat by default
- [Minor] Removed option to swap functionality of Ctrl + Click on minimap; caused issues when shift was held
- [Minor] Disable Pcons on map change set to off by default
- [Minor] Pcon refillers hidden by default
- [Minor] Added option to hide city pcons in explorable areas (default visible)
- [Minor] Removed DoA snakes from default party window NPCs
- [Fix] Re-added in-game option to manually check for updates
- [Fix] Fixed
auto age2 on /age
setting being the same as auto /age2 on vanquish
- [Fix] Fixed bug causing salvage all process to only salvage the first item in a stack
- [Fix] Fixed bug causing identify blue/purple/gold to identify other rarities
- [Fix] Fixed bug causing salvage all crash when inventory is full
- [Fix] Fixed bug causing salvage all to identify unsalvagable trophies as salvagable
- [Fix] Fixed potential crash when displaying the “Salvage all?” dialog
- [Fix] Fixed crash when adding a new custom minimap agent whilst the matching NPC is within range.
- [Fix] Fixed IRC timeout after 3 minutes when connected to Twitch
Version 3.1
- [Fix] Fix bug where the launcher would ask everytime to download the toolbox.
Version 3.0
- [New] Merged 3vcloud fork and added him as maintainer to GWToolbox. The following
changes are made to GWToolbox.
- [New]
command added, allows player to load builds from the GWToolbox Builds window by name or build code.
See help section of GWToolbox in-game for more info.
- [New]
command added, allows player to ping any currently equipped item. See help section of GWToolbox
in-game for more info.
- [New]
command updated to allow players to transform into a list of pre-defined NPCs by name instead of just
the one target. “/transmo reset” will remove the current NPC skin on the player. See help section of GWToolbox in-game
for more info.
- [New]
command added, similar syntax to /transmo
- [New]
command added, similar syntax to /transmo
- [New]
adds Collector’s Edition glow to player hands.
- [New]
on Factions/NF professions shows Collector’s Edition dance emote instead of standard one.
- [New] Added “Check for Updates” button to Toolbox Settings section. If enabled, it will auto-check every 10 minutes
instead of just the first load.
- [New] Added “Emotes” and “Other” to Chat Colors section of Game Settings.
- [New] Added “show alias on whisper” to Friend List window, adds player alias in brackets when sending or receiving a
whisper (default false).
- [New] Added “You gain x faction” chat filter option.
- [New] Added
/addfriend <character_name>
and /removefriend <character_name|alias>
chat commands.
- [New] Added
, /away
, /busy
, /dnd
, /offline
chat commands - see Help section for details.
- [New] Added
/target hos
and /target ee
commands, see help section for info.
- [New] Added 24h Deep module - use /deep24h command to toggle.
- [New] Added
/identify all
, /identify blue
, /identify purple
, /identify gold
chat commands.
- [New] Added
/pc <search_term>
chat command to do a price check from chat.
- [New] Added
/salvage all
, /salvage blue
, /salvage purple
chat commands.
- [New] Added ability to view a player’s guild info via Target section of Info Window.
- [New] Added AoE circles for Maelstrom, Chaos storm, Lava font, Savannah heat, Breath of fire, Bed of coals, Churning
- [New] Added auto-accept party invites when ticked option for faster party reorder.
- [New] Added auto-accept party join requests when ticked option for faster party reorder.
- [New] Added boss by profession color to Minimap.
- [New] Added challenge mission chat filter option.
- [New] Added ctrl + click context menu to Salvage and ID kits - allows user to salvage/identify groups of items at
- [New] Added Flame Trap, Spike Trap and Barbed Trap to aoe effects on minimap.
- [New] Added option in Game Settings to change Guild Wars window title to name of current character.
- [New] Added option to add player number to player names in explorable areas.
- [New] Added option to hide bonds, health, party damage and instance timer widgets in outpost.
- [New] Added option to show hidden NPCs on Minimap.
- [New] Added option to skip entering character name when donating faction.
- [New] Added option to trigger a hotkey on entering explorable/outpost.
- [New] Added pcons per character option, default turned on.
- [New] Added pcons to GWToolbox Builds window; pcons can now be assigned to a particular build and auto-enabled when
- [New] Added seconds to the clock widget.
- [New] Added spirit timers to Timer widget; default is EoE and QZ. Other spirit timers available in settings.
- [New] Automatic
on vanquish option.
- [New] Automatic
on /age
- [New] Better crash handling; more GWToolbox related crashes will be caught and dumped in the GWToolboxpp folder, and
will show a message on-screen.
- [New] Ctrl + enter to whisper targeted player.
- [New] Friend List window/module added.
- [New] Modified trade alerts; added option to only show trade alerts in chat when in Kamadan ae1.
- [New] Objective timer now saves runs to disk in json format, and auto-collapses previous runs when a new one starts.
- [New] Support for Chinese character set; add “Font_ChineseTraditional.ttf” to GWToolboxpp folder to load
- [New] Support for Japanese character set; add “Font_Japanese.ttf” to GWToolboxpp folder to load automatically.
- [New] Support for Korean character set; add “Font_Korean.ttf” to GWToolboxpp folder to load automatically.
- [New] Support for Russian character set; add “Font_Cyrillic.ttf” to GWToolboxpp folder to load automatically.
- [New] Trade Window changes: removed dependency on - players can now use this window as normal
when in Kamadan ae1 even if stops working.
- [New] Trade window now uses for incoming trade chat.
Rebased this module to be similar to vanilla.
- [New] Updater module re-enabled; will now give update notifications for this version of toolbox.
- [Minor]
/tb <window_name>
now matches partial window names.
- [Minor]
/tp gh
and /gh
now check whether you’re already in GH before leaving/entering as applicable.
- [Minor] Added “morah” and “surmia”
- [Minor] Added client-side checks before trying to travel e.g. same district, to avoid the need for packet sending.
- [Minor] Added current online status to top of friend list.
- [Minor] Added daily quest chat command help section.
- [Minor] Added date/time to headers in Objective timer, and [Failed] to identify failed runs.
- [Minor] Added debug info about current camera position to info window.
- [Minor] Added option to hide friends list when in outpost/explorable.
- [Minor] Added option to only show alcohol widget when using alcohol.
- [Minor] Added option to toggle ctrl + click functionality on minimap. (e.g. ctrl + click to ping, click to target)
- [Minor] Changed
and /armor
descriptions to include armor rating, infused and +1 stacking attribute if
- [Minor] Fixed
errors not always displaying on-screen.
- [Minor] Fixed a bug causing some trade messages to be blocked in Kamadan when filtered using the trade window.
- [Minor] Friend list is now amended when saved, not overwritten. This allows multiple accounts to maintain details
about mutual friends.
- [Minor] Hide
setting from settings window when not enabled.
- [Minor] Performance tweaks and housekeeping for chat filters.
- [Minor] Performance tweaks to resign log and trade window, removed some redundant code blocks.
- [Minor] Remove “I’m wielding” text when pinging weapons with GWToolbox.
- [Minor] Removed “n platinum, n gold” from pinged item descriptions.
- [Minor] Removed armor descriptions when using
command. Will add headpiece +1 info in a later release.
- [Minor] Removed threading code from Friend list, a bit more stable now.
- [Minor] Removed threading code with refilling pcons, a bit more stable now.
- [Minor] Reverted Trade Window to vanilla 2.27. Tweaks to layout widths, fixed bug when trying to whisper player’s with
unicode chars in their name.
- [Minor] Stability changes and shutdown fixes.
- [Minor] Stability/failover changes for Updater module. Will update current dll wherever it is on disk, not just from
GWToolboxpp folder.
- [Fix] Adjusted AoE range for churning earth from adjacent to nearby.
- [Fix] Fixed a crash when trying to click on Minimap whilst observing PvP matches.
- [Fix] Fixed an issue that didn’t do a fresh reload from ini file when clicking “Load Now” in tb settings.
- [Fix] Fixed issues with loading and saving to file.
- [Fix] Fixed trade alerts by regex not working.
- [Fix] Fixes resign log not working when player numbers are turned on in an explorable area.
- [Fix] Reduced flashing GW window spam when being invited to a party.
Version 2.35
- [Fix] Fixes following April 22 update.
Version 2.34
- [Fix] Fix crashes with enemies count in info window.
Version 2.33
- [Fix] Fix crashes when trying to drop gold coins.
- [Fix] Fix a long due bug that caused random crashes, often when using the minimap.
Version 2.32
- [Fix] Fix crashes caused because of bad header values.
Version 2.31
- [Fix] Fixes following February 14 update.
Version 2.30
- [Fix] Fix bug with launcher asking to download every time.
- [Fix] Main window options are now accessible again.
- [Fix] Fixed crash dump generation.
Version 2.29
- [New] Added Discord ‘Rich Presence’ integration.
- [Fix] Fixes following December 13th update.
- [Fix] Pcons are not used in cinematic anymore.
- [Minor] Minor improvements to
/tp <town name>
- [Minor] Guild Wars will ask permission to travel when in a group with other players.
- [Minor] Vanquish Widget can now be ctrl+clicked to print the vanquish information to group chat.
- [Minor] Now, ‘/resignlog’ only prints name of players who didn’t resigned yet.
Version 2.27
- [New] Added support for adrenaline skill with /useskill command.
- [New] Added /resignlog command.
- [New] You can now use the command /tp and /to with the prefix of an outpost to teleport to the outpost.
- [Fix] Reduced the connection spams to when the site is down.
- [Fix] Fixed bug when game process name wasn’t “Gw.exe”.
- [Fix] Fixed bug related to player status introduced in recent game update.
- [Minor] Several improvements in GWCA and updated 3rd party libraries.
Version 2.26
- [Fix] Fixed bug with friend status message.
Version 2.25
- [New] Added option to disable minimap mouse capture in outpost.
- [Fix] Fixed bugs related to GW June 12th update.
Version 2.24
- [Fix] Fixed several crash bugs related to GW May 1st update.
- [Note] Toolbox borderless functionality is current disabled. It might be fixed or removed in the future. For now,
please use the in-game borderless that you can find in GW Options -> Graphics -> Resolution.
Version 2.23
- [New] Added an option to disable the prompt when selling green and gold items.
- [New] Added an option to show a notification when a friend comes online or goes offline.
- [Fix] Fixed ctrl+click with new storage panels.
- [Fix] Fixed bug when selling rare materials with a quantity smaller than 10.
- [Minor] Extended
command to flag at a given coordinate.
- [Minor] Added more bosses to the minimap.
- [Minor] Added map ids of the event versions of Kamadan to disable the trade chat.
Version 2.22.1
- [Fix] Material buying and auto-manage gold
Version 2.22
- [Fix] General fixes for the February 5th update.
- [Fix] Pcons not finding proper quantities
- [Fix] Ctrl+Click storage/inventory item quick-move
Version 2.21
- [Fix] Added Year of the Pig lunars to lunar pop list.
- [New] Added an option to ctrl+click on target health (widget) to print it.
Version 2.20
- [Fix] Fixed a bug with the bond monitor.
- [New] The old
click to use
option in bond monitor is now split into click to cast
and click to drop
- [New]
Item not found
message will now show in the Emotes chat channel.
- [New]
will now remove the message set by /afk message
- [New] Added an option to not set normal or hard mode when loading hero builds.
Version 2.19
- [New] Reapply Title hotkey now applies the appropriate title for the area, not just Lightbringer title.
- [New] Added an option to allow mouse clickthrough in the minimap.
- [New] Added an optional timer for dungeon traps.
- [Fix] Fixed a bug where toolbox would consider “Alt” key down after alt-tabbing.
- [Fix] Kegs now are correctly counted in the alcohol counter.
- [Fix] Quest marker animation now adapts to the framerate.
- [Fix] Removed Deep and Urgoz travel buttons, as they are not longer possible.
- [Fix] Fixed bug with bond monitor where it would not update to party size.
- [Fix] Fixed bug where Jora and Keiran were inversed in hero builds.
Version 2.18
- [New]
, /hide
and /show
do not require quotes for windows with multiple names.
- [New] Added an option (in Game Settings) to only show non-learned skills when using a tome.
- [New] Added an afk message to
/afk <message>
. Toolbox will automatically reply with that message if you get PMd
while afk.
- [New] Toolbox will now not render during cinematics.
- [New] Added an option to automatically skip cinematics.
- [New] Added an option to alt+click on the minimap to move to that location.
- [New] Added an option to reduce the visual impact in the minimap when agents get spam pinged.
- [New] Added an optional timer for Deep Aspects. You can enable it in Timer settings.
- [Fix] Fixed a bug where the bond monitor would not properly update the party size.
- [Fix] Fixed a bug where toolbox could only control 7 heroes.
- [Fix] Fixed the Dhuum start trigger in the Objective Timer.
- [Fix] Fixed bug where Recall line would not know where to go after your Recall target despawned.
Version 2.17
- [New] Options to change game messages color. (Under GameSettings)
- [Fix] The “x” in Objective Timer will now delete the record.
- [Fix] Crash bug when zoning into an explorable.
- [Fix] Bug were Materials window wouldn’t save his settings.
- [Minor] You can now choose which column to show in Objective Timer.
Version 2.16
- [New] Objective timer for DoA, UW, FoW
- [New] Option to automatically withdraw and deposit gold while buying materials. (disable by default)
- [New] Option to ctrl+click on instance timer to
. (disable by default)
- [New] Command
/resize width height
to resize Guild Wars window. (Only works with borderless)
- [Fix] Bug were GWToolbox UI was reseted when opening Guild Wars.
- [Fix] Materials window won’t stop buying materials anymore.
- [Fix] Bug with “Tick is a toggle” that required a restart to work.
- [Fix] Bug where toolbox wouldn’t get input if UI was disable.
- [Fix] “All flag” will be shown even if you only have henchmans in your group.
- [Minor] Chat timestamps will work for older messages. (pre-inject)
- [Minor] The real name of mercenary hero will be used in hero builds instead of “Mercenary Hero X”.
Version 2.15
- [Fix] Fixed toolbox functionality after June 07 2018 game update.
- [New] GWToolbox will hide itself if you hide the game user interface. Will also work with “Shift+Print Screen”.
- [New] You can now send whisper with hotkeys. In the message text field use the format:
<target name>,<message>
Version 2.14
- [Fix] Fixed toolbox functionality after May 9 2018 game update.
- [Fix] Fixed bug with ctrl+click & dyes.
Version 2.13
- [Fix] Fixed toolbox functionality after May 9 2018 game update.
- [New] The damage report will now print the names of the npcs.
- [Minor] You can now use iso alpha 2 country codes for district with the command
- [Minor] You can now target player with the command
/target "Player Name"
. (with quotes)
Version 2.12.1
- [Fix] Removed Borderless Windowed mode, use official implementation instead :)
- [Fix] Fixed crash bug on toolbox start.
Version 2.12
- [Fix] Fixed toolbox functionality after April 30 2018 game update.
- [New] Added an option in the chat filter to match messages with regular expressions.
- [New] Improved custom agent rendering functionality.
- [Fix] Empty lines in the chat filter will not ignore everything any more.
Version 2.11
- [New] Added the option to set custom color for specific agents in the minimap.
- [Fix] Fixed toolbox functionality after April 23 2018 game update.
- [Fix] Improved overall robustness.
- [Fix] Improved ctrl+click (move items) behaviors.
Version 2.10
- [Fix] Fixed toolbox functionality after April 2 2018 game update.
Version 2.9
- [Fix] Fixed toolbox functionality after March 23 2018 game update.
- [New] Added a new Trade chat window containing Kamadan Trade Chat. Powered by
- [New] Added a Soul Tormentor counter to the Info window.
- [New] Improved camera unlock movement functionality and added an option to keep camera height fixed while moving.
- [New] Minimap targeting (Control+Click) now ignores all but the targetable minipets.
- [New] Added an option to move items to/from chest by Control+click.
- [New] Added an option to maintain
/cam fov
after a map change.
- [New] Each
will now reset the skills to use, not add to the previous ones.
- [Fix] Fixed
functionality. Added /flag all
and /flag clear
- [Fix] Fixed a bug where hero flags would not show in the minimap. Reduced size of the circle of individual hero flag.
- [Fix] Fixed a bug where settings would not be loaded/saved properly on systems with a username containing non-standard
- [Fix] Fixed a bug where pcons would sometimes not be used if the player had no other effects.
- [Fix] Fixed a crash bug when sending Hero Builds to .
Version 2.8
- [Fix] Fixed a crash bug in the hero build window.
Version 2.7
- [New] Can now omit the town in `/tp [town] [district] to change district.
- [Fix] Fixed the “Close other windows…” option.
Version 2.6
- [New] You can now add or remove any window to the main toolbox window - check Settings -> Toolbox Settings.
- [New] Added a new Window to create and load hero team builds.
- [New] Added support for the new Lunars (year of the dog).
- [New] Added cursor fix: mouse should no longer jump between monitors when right clicking.
- [New] You can now use multiple skills with
- [New] Added rings of fortune messages to the chat filter.
- [Fix] Alcohol monitor is now only visible in explorable areas.
- [Fix] You can now once again set up hotkeys on mouse buttons x1 and x2 (forward and back).
- [Fix] Fixed various small issues.
Version 2.5
- [Fix] Fixed bug where toolbox window positions would reset when restoring from an alt-tabbed fullscreen GW.
Version 2.4
- [Fix] Fixed bug where GW would freeze when launching Toolbox while in fullscreen mode.
Version 2.3
- [New] Added
/load <build name>
command to load builds from your saved templates.
- [New] Added an option to display chat message timestamps.
- [New] Added an option to retain chat history after changing map.
- [New] Added an option to restore GW window from mimized state and bring to focus when zoning into explorables.
- [New] Added an alcohol duration widget.
- [Fix] Fixed several minor bugs.
Version 2.2
- [New] You can now /tp gh [tag] to any guild in your alliance.
- [New] Added options to make Guild Wars flash in the taskbar when invited to a party or when your party zones.
- [New] Added options to automatically set away after a delay and/or online when back.
- [New] “Use item” hotkey can now use items from the chest in outposts.
- [Fix] VQ counter now only appears in areas that can be vanquished.
- [Fix] /tp fav now starts counting at 1 instead of 0.
- [Fix] Automatically changing URLs to templates now also works in PMs.
- [Fix] Fixed bug where hotkeys would not save properly.
- [Fix] Quest marker will now appear correctly on the minimap.
- [Fix] Fixed several typos and minor issues.
Version 2.1
In this patch we change the update server to GitHub and fix minor bugs from 2.0 and add a Vanquish counter.
- [New] Toolbox can now self-update (or not). Check the options in Settings->Toolbox Settings
- [New] Added a vanquish counter
- [New] /scwiki now accepts parameters, (e.g. /scwiki doa)
- [New] you can now /tp fav to any number of favorites (e.g. /tp fav5).
- [New] Added an option to flash your guild wars taskbar when receiving a private message
- [New] Added an option to automatically add [;xx] to links you write in chat, but only if they are in their own
- [Fix] Custom dialog now works properly
- [Fix] Fixed several typos and minor issues
Version 2.0 - New interface
- [New] Rewrote interface
- [New] Materials Panel
- [New] Chat filter by content
- [New] Custom Minimap markers
- [New] Can completely disable individual toolbox features
- [New] Clock
- [New] Notepad
Version 1.11
- [Minor] Added support for Year of the Rooster Lunars
- [Minor] Added lunar usage messages to the chat filter
- [Minor] Added “No one hears you…” message to the chat filter
- [Fix] Improved precision of drawings and pings on the minimap
- [Fix] Improved rendering order in the minimap, players should now be more visible
Version 1.10
- [Fix] Toolbox and timer now show on top and handle clicks on top of the minimap
Version 1.9 – Minimap Update
IMPORTANT: GWToolbox does no longer support GWMultiLaunch. Using GWToolbox on clients launched by GWMultiLaunch will
probably cause crashes or unexpected behavior. Check for an
- [New] Added minimap, more info here:
- [Minor] Edit Build panel will save whether it’s moved on top or not
- [Minor] Toolbox will now wait for you to log in into a character, so it can be launched early with no issues.
- [New] Added a hotkey for reapplying Lightbringer title (Execute… hotkey)
- [Fix] Toolbox will not make you pm Toolbox when you press delete after a Toolbox message. Toolbox won’t mind the lack
of pms, don’t worry.
- [Fix] Fixed some crash bugs
Version 1.8
- [Fix] Fixed a crash bug related to Borderless Window
Version 1.7
- [New] Added an option to turn Guild Wars into Borderless fullscreen window.
- [New] Added a simple /useskill command to use a skill on recharge.
- [New] Added an option to hide server chat spam such as item drop, pick-up, 9-rings spam and “skills updated to pvp”.
- [New] Added an option to enable or disable Toolbox adjusting widget positions on window resize.
- [Minor] General user interface improvements.
- [Minor] Target hotkey will not target dead agents anymore (e.g. a dead Boo).
- [Minor] Added a few known ferry dialogs.
Version 1.6
- [Minor] Added support for Lunars [Year of the Monkey]
Version 1.5
- [Fix] /tp to ae1, ee1 and eg1 will actually port to district 1
- [Fix] Fixed bug where tb would crash on initialization in char selection screen
- [Minor] increased coindrop interval to 500ms (from 400)
Version 1.4
- [New] Added chat commands
- [New] Added an option to enable or disable opening of template links
- [New] The “Tick” functionality in the default party window now acts as a toggle
- [New] Implemented an anchor system. Toolbox windows will stick to left/center/right and top/center/bottom when gw
window is resized. Added a setting to enable or disable this functionality.
- [Minor] Party damage window now works with heroes
- [Fix] Party damage window now ignores damage inflicted to allies (e.g. from Life Bond)
- [Fix] Toolbox now properly resize its drawing area after a gw window resize
Version 1.3
- [Fix] Better fix on crash bug by toggling pcons on loading and char selection screen, added flag in launcher to check
update messages
Version 1.2
- [Fix] Fixed a problem with enabling pcons while on a loading screen crashing the client
Version 1.1
- [New] Toolbox will now detect GWA2 on launch and notify the user instead of crashing the client
- [Fix] Fixed bug where toolbox would not save an empty build or template
Version 1.0
First GWToolbox++ Release! Rewrote Toolbox from AutoIt to C++ with in-game rendering. Reimplemented most existing
features with several improvements.
- [New] Pcons
- [New] Hotkeys
- [New] Builds
- [New] Fast Travel
- [New] Dialogs
- [New] Info, Distance, Health, Timer