The Settings window contains configuration options for all Toolbox features, and provides access to several features that don’t have their own window.
The buttons at the top of the window link to the settings folder and this website.
The buttons at the bottom save and load your Toolbox settings to and from the settings folder.
This section contains some information about how to use Toolbox, along with a list of some of the more important chat commands. All of this information can be found, often in more detail, on this website.
Game Settings
Game Settings
These are several quality-of-life features that can be toggled on or off:
Chat & Messages
Show chat messages timestamp shows the time of each message in the chat history. Click the color box to choose a color for the timestamps.
Keep chat history prevents the chat history from being deleted when changing characters.
Open web links from templates automatically opens any links in templates you click on, instead of opening the template.
Automatically change URLs into build templates puts links into equipment templates whenever you send them to chat. A link is any message that starts with https:// or http://.
Target with double-click on message author targets a player when you double-click their name in the chat.
Hide email address on login screen replaces your email address with asterisks on the login screen.
Block messages from inactive chat channels hides messages from chat channels that are currently turned off.
Tick is a toggle makes the “Ready” check on the party window immediately tick/untick when you click on it, instead of offering a drop-down menu.
Disable camera smoothing removes the delay when rotating the camera.
Automatically skip cinematics skips in-game cutscenes without user input.
Automatically return to outpost on defeat returns the party to the outpost when wiped (only works if you’re the party leader).
Disable gold/green items confirmation removes the confirmation prompt when selling gold and green items to merchants.
Automatically accept party invitations when ticked accepts party invites without user input when you’re ticked.
Automatically accept party join requests when ticked accepts requests to join your party without user input when you’re ticked.
Skip character name input when donating faction automatically fills in your character name when donating faction.
Auto-cancel Unyielding Aura when re-casting automatically drops Unyielding Aura before recasting it.
Remove 1.5 second minimum for the cast bar to show allows the cast bar to appear for skills with very short cast times.
Lazy chest looting automatically targets nearby reserved items when using the ‘target nearest item’ key next to a chest.
Auto use available keys when interacting with locked chest automatically uses keys when interacting with locked chests.
Auto use lockpick when interacting with locked chest automatically uses lockpicks when interacting with locked chests.
Keep current quest when accepting a new one maintains the current active quest when a new quest is added.
Item Management
Ctrl+Click to move items allows you to move items between inventory and storage with Ctrl+Click.
Move items to current storage pane moves items to the currently open storage pane when using Ctrl+Click.
Move materials to current storage pane moves materials to the currently open storage pane when using Ctrl+Click (overrides default behavior of moving to material storage).
Hide item descriptions in explorable areas/outposts only shows the item name in tooltips when hovering over items in inventory or weapon sets.
Hide skill descriptions in explorable areas/outposts only shows the skill name and attributes in tooltips when hovering over skills.
Show price check information on item hover displays the current market price of the item when hovering over it.
Show salvage information on item hover displays potential salvage materials for the item when hovering over it.
Flash Guild Wars taskbar icon when:
Receiving a private message - you receive a whisper
Zoning in a new map - when you switch to another map
Cinematic starts/ends - when a cutscene begins or finishes
A player starts trade with you - when someone initiates a trade with you
A party member pings your name - when someone in your party pings your name in chat
Show Guild Wars in foreground when:
Launching GWToolbox++ - brings Guild Wars to the front when Toolbox starts
Zoning in a new map - brings Guild Wars to the front when changing maps
A player starts trade with you - brings Guild Wars to the front when someone initiates a trade
Show a chat message when a friend:
Logs in - notifies you when a friend comes online
Logs out - notifies you when a friend goes offline
Joins your outpost - notifies you when a friend enters your current outpost
Leaves your outpost - notifies you when a friend leaves your current outpost
Show a chat message when a player:
Joins your party - notifies you when someone joins your party
Leaves your party - notifies you when someone leaves your party
Joins your outpost - notifies you when any player enters your current outpost
Leaves your outpost - notifies you when any player leaves your current outpost
Automatically set “Away” after ___ minutes of inactivity sets your status to Away after the specified minutes of no input to Guild Wars. This will only happen if you were set to Online.
Automatically set “Online” after an input to Guild Wars immediately sets your status to Online after any input to Guild Wars. This will only happen if you were set to Away.
Set Guild Wars window title as current logged-in character changes the game window title to show your character’s name.
Note that you will not see status changes on your own friend list, but your status will have changed, and other players will see this.
Show warning when earned faction reaches ___% displays a warning when your faction reaches the specified percentage in challenge missions or elite areas.
Collectors Edition emotes on player dance applies Collector’s Edition animations to your character’s dance emote.
Automatically flag pet to fight called target flags your pet to attack the target you’ve called in chat.
Block floating numbers above character when:
Gaining faction
Gaining experience
Gaining 0 experience
Disable animation and sound from consumables:
Bottle rockets
Party poppers
Snowman Summoners
Block sparkle effect on dropped items
Limit signet of capture to 10 in skills window
Block full screen message when entering a new area
Customize in-game name tag colors for different types of entities (e.g., NPCs, enemies, players)
Toolbox Settings
Toolbox Settings
These options change some of the ways Toolbox function:
Use Update mode to control Toolbox’s updates:
Do not check for updates - Toolbox will never update.
Check and display a message - Toolbox will not update, but will inform you when there is an update, so you can install it manually.
Check and ask before updating - Toolbox will prompt you to confirm updates whenever they are available.
Check and automatically update - Toolbox will update without requesting confirmation, but will still show a changelog window when an update takes place.
Unlock Move All releases all windows and widgets to be manually re-positioned.
This feature can also be toggled from the top of the Settings window.
Save Location Data saves your co-ordinates every second to a file in the settings folder.
Each window and widget (except the main window and Settings) can be completely turned off. When you restart Toolbox, your choice of disabled features will not load, and their buttons on the main window will no longer appear.
Each window and widget (except the main window itself) can be set to appear as a button in the main window or not. No restart is required.
The settings are stored in the folder C:\Users\[Username]\AppData\Local\GWToolboxpp. You can open this folder by clicking on the button at the top of the Settings window, manually navigate to it, or type %LOCALAPPDATA% in Start Menu, Run, or in the address in Explorer.
There are a number of files in this folder:
img/ folder contains icons used in Toolbox.
FilterByContent.txt contains the words used in the content-based chat filter.
Font.ttf is the font used by Toolbox.
GWToolbox.dll is Toolbox itself.
GWToolbox.ini contains most of the Toolbox settings.
healthlog.ini contains the health of mobs by id, which is collected and used by the damage monitor for more accuracy in measuring the damage of your allies.
interface.ini contains information about the interface, such as position and size of your windows.
Markers.ini contains your custom minimap markers.
Theme.ini contains any changes you make to the default theme.
You can (and should!) backup your Toolbox settings by saving some of the files above, and copy them over to the new installation. You definitely want to backup GWToolbox.ini, Markers.ini and Theme.ini. Optionally you can also backup all the .ini and .txt files.
In general, it is recommended to backup your Toolbox settings, so you have a copy in case something goes wrong.
Font customization
You can change the font used by Toolbox simply by replacing the default Font.ttf.
Icon customization
You can change any icons used by toolbox by replacing the respective file.